25 Responses

  • kaleigh79 Says:

    if you appreciated this video like I did.. you might want to watch this one as well..
    it’s worth the 10 minutes of your time..


  • thingfish333 Says:

    the beeb have repeated this BS in a new program..bang goes the theory. this time at 7.30 on bbc 1. primetime unlike horizon. the theme again is radiation at low levels is not dangerous. Some might think there is an agenda here.

  • boosomentity Says:

    @AluminumStudios the bbc also did Geiger counter readings which were displayed as not that high to give the impression that the radiation was low however they omitted the fact that Geiger counters can only pick up gamma rays; the alpha and beta radiation was off the scale.

  • cmonconan Says:

    No you have said it all, quite well. thanks for debunking the bbc.
    They shove out a lot of bs these days, must be profitable.

  • IExposeMormonism Says:

    My, my,I have Arnold? Gunderson, Michio Kaku, Helen Caldicott, Chris Busby and some others claiming 1 million deaths.Or I can listen to this Professional Obfukuscationist (A little pun on obfuscation) and sleep. The Tepco liars have made much hey over the “evacuation” being a trauma but not their plant melting down and Causing this violence and disease. The exclusion zone is too small, there are at least 1000 miles contaminated. Let him? pick up the 600,000 plutonium plutonium pellets blown up

  • joecool0927 Says:

    All of the internet tough guys.. You are on a computer now that is powered by either coal or nuclear power. Both have incredible danger to them. Nuclear for the obvious reasons, but what is always miss in bashing nuclear power; coal is mined from the earth. Very often, small amounts of uranium and thorium etc are accidentally mined and burned with the coal. There is no containment vessel there. That radioactive release, done in a a few minutes and released straight to your lungs. Cheers!

  • Trackstar2211 Says:

    Very good video. Great job.


    Thank You. This promo vid for the nuclear industry calling itself a BBC documentary angered me greatly. Huge omissions! 985,000 dead from Chernobyl, just as Chris Busby says.

  • altgeldrarities Says:

    BBC is a Bilgerberg charter member and their president is on the Council on Foreign Relations. Thus BBC is basically a shill for the NRC and New World Order.

  • HornSpeakersSuk Says:

    @OfficeThug BTW: U might want 2 change your user name on Youtube B 4 U go posting more of your insane, transparent murdermouth garbage, so your shill scam can work better 4 U. Your name even tips off the most dense of the ‘slave biomass’ U R not 2 B trusted:

    Thug = Noun: “a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer. “, who in your case worx in an office. Oh it’s OK 2 murder & kill & rob & destroy, so long as U R in a suit, working from an office, spreading your lies & poison – cheers! =)

  • HornSpeakersSuk Says:

    @OfficeThug U R not Satan, just an NWO carbon tax shill who spreads lies trying 2 convince people 2 pretend accidents like Fukishima R preferable 2 the clean, reliable, safe power source that is coal =) Maybe U can tell us next all about how vaccination shots R really safe & not used 2 spread disease, & fluoride is good 4 your brain, like mercury, aluminum, & all that other nutritious poison =D Go on, shill. Go on with your ‘convince the humans 2 murder each other’ krap.

  • 2farscape2 Says:

    @BiggerThinking1 “atrocity of the highest order” It certainly is, and so is the act of covering up the truth about the situation. It’s wanton endangerment of humanity itself. And for what? A special industrial interest. It’s sickening.

  • 2farscape2 Says:

    @AluminumStudios It’s worse than BS, it’s the highest criminal wanton endangerment of humanity.

  • OfficeThug Says:

    @HornSpeakersSuk Oh another preacher, you’re typical.

    By the way, even with accidents, coal has killed magnitudes more people directly than nuclear, not counting the days before nuclear plants came into use. But hey what do I know, I’m satan as far as you’re concerned.

  • OfficeThug Says:

    @GoddardsJournal You can’t sell anything without comparing it to something, everything is relative. If the requirement for anything to be used is that it must be perfect, we wouldn’t be using energy or tools or anything. There’d be no point.

    I won’t bother emphasizing the tiny amounts of deaths renewables cause. What I will bother emphasizing is the fact that renewables don’t hold a matchstick to any of the other baseload sources because they are too physically limited in comparison.

  • GoddardsJournal Says:

    @HornSpeakersSuk, nuclear advocacy is a non-stop exercise in selective attention and omission. If they talk about coal, they talk about dirty coal w/o safety measures; if they talk about solar, they include the guy who tripped over his hammer and fell off the roof as a “solar death”; if they talk about nuclear, they only talk about the safest normal-operating conditions; if they talk about health data, all the negative studies for nuclear are “invalid”. It’s the only way you could sell nuclear.

  • BiggerThinking1 Says:

    Chris Busby says Japans government DELIBERATELY spreading fallout all over Japan just to mask the effects at Fukushima. This is an atrocity of the highest order.

    Save Japan’s kids:


  • HornSpeakersSuk Says:

    @OfficeThug Oh I notice your user name ‘office thug’. How fitting! Yes, U enjoy wearing a suit, trying 2 hurt people with yoru brain… 2 scam them into murdering each other with poison. “Plutonium is good 4 U” bla bla bla

    You’re pathetic. It’s like watching a heroin junkie chat up the blessings of smack. Just say what U really mean: “KILL WHITEY!”, freak.

  • HornSpeakersSuk Says:

    @OfficeThug I do adore how U pretend 2 think I am referring 2 functional nuke plants instead of ones who have an accident. Go on with your anti-human, anti-health, anti-life, anti-prosperity bull$hit propaganda. U talk like a paid shill, such as those clowns from Merc who brag about hiding cancer viruses in vaccines… then go off about how they R ‘fighting disease’. U R a sick, evil fuk, & get off on hurting people. Coal is infinitely safer than nuclear power, & plants love the CO2.

  • OfficeThug Says:

    @TheLycaeum Solid fuel thorium reactors run into many of the same problems and solid fuel uranium reactors, and are generally crappy. The book he was holding in this documentary is Alvin Weinberg’s thesis on molten salt reactors, and is the basis for liquid fluoride thorium reactors (LFTRs) which have become or rapid increasing interrest in China and the UK for its inherent safety, inability to melt down, scalability, near 100% efficiency, and use of very common and inexpensive thorium as fuel.

  • OfficeThug Says:

    @TheLycaeum Solid fuel thorium reactors run into many of the same problems and solid fuel uranium reactors, and are generally crappy. The book he was holding in this documentary is Alvin Weinberg’s thesis on molten salt reactors, and is the basis for Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors which have become or rapid increasing interrest in China and the UK for its inherent safety, inability to melt down, scalability, near 100% efficiency, and use of very common and inexpensive thorium as fuel.

  • OfficeThug Says:

    @HornSpeakersSuk The radioactive emissions from coal plants are negligible as are periodic (non-accident) releases from nuclear plants when compared to background radiation.

    What you should be worried about is the heavy metals, SOx and NOx, carcinogenic organics, and greenhouse gases pumped up the smoketacks of coal plants. That stuff is scarier than radiation in my mind, atleast you can detect radiation with geiger counters. This shit is difficult to detect and can cut your lifespan by decades

  • HornSpeakersSuk Says:

    @foodope Go on with your absurd ‘spelling police’ rant, troll, as if it changes the fact that coal plants don’t leave huge tracts of land uninhabitable 2 humans from radiation poisoning. Maybe U can tell us all about your Obama shrine, & how U want 2 poison the Earth 4 all future generations with this krap that has a half life of 10 ba-zillion years, freak.

  • GoddardsJournal Says:

    @foodope, Great! If Yablokov et al. is “science fiction” then it should be easy for you to present *one example* of data upon which their figure is based that is demonstrably invalid. Surely Balonov has done that for you, so it should be really easy.

    Yet since I’ve asked you to verify your assertions against Yablokov many replies back all you do is hurl accusations at me, appeal to authority and point to a source that supposedly contains something you aren’t willing to post here as one example.

  • foodope Says:

    @GoddardsJournal Hilarious, tell that to the NYAS, maybe if they know that a youtube commentator failed to convince you of the invalidity of the book they will remove the review by Balonov which calls their very own publication “science fiction”. Maybe they’ll even re-publish it one day if you tell them about the conspiracy by the UN and their anonymous Chernobyl deniers. Good luck.

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