A melhor banda portuguesa.
Tags: coin, começo, cruz, insert, mais, manel, manuel, peixe, Pluto, so, um
Me and my boy Shaun free styling to the end of the night Disney song at Magic Kingdom!
Tags: alot, bboy, Can, castle, come!, corey, creator, dance, dancer, Dancing, Disney, Disney Interactive Studios, Disneyland, do, doctor, donald, dreams, dubstep, Duck, epcot, epic, flux, get, goofie, have, hill, Hip, hopbreakdance, isolations, kingdom, land, magic, many, mickey, Minnie, motion, mouse, of, oh, Pavilion, Pluto, random, robot, scherer, shaun, skrillex, slow, so, Tags:, The, The Walt Disney Company, to, true, try, tyler, views, waving, where, why, world, yeah
pluto got kicked in the nuts by some brat
Tags: and, chases, Disney, Disneyland, falls, freaking, funny, haha, hilarious, is, it, kid, land, lol, LOLZ, over, Pluto, so