This was the day that Pluto was discovered and the artist Michelangelo died.
Tags: airplane, artist, Book, cow, Day, Education, events, Exploration, fly, happened, highlights, history, Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain, Michelangelo, month, news, ondaythisday, onthisday, planet, Pluto, space, timeline, week, world, year
On this day iconic character Pluto made his Disney debut and Lolita was first published in the US.
Tags: america, Astronomers, august, César, contraversial, Day, debut, discovery, Disney, eighteenth, events, happened, helium, highlights, history, Janssen, Jules, Lockyer, Lolita, month, Nabokov, news, Norman, novel, ondaythisday, Pierre, Pluto, right, suffragette, timeline, Vladimir, vote, week, women, world, year