Trama: Animazioni classiche di Topolino e la sua banda di paperi nelle sue innumerevoli peripezie che rivivono grazie alla grande animazione Disney. Intramontabili avventure che susciteranno la curiosità per tutta la famiglia. Con questa imperdibile collana targata Walt Disney! Il quarto episodio è intitolato: Pluto e il giorno del giudizio. —————————————————————————————————- Traslation: Animations of classic Mickey Mouse and his gang of ducks in its many ups and downs that come to life thanks to the great Disney animation. Timeless adventures that will arouse the curiosity for the whole family. With this unmissable series license plate Walt Disney! The Fourth Episode is entitled: Pluto’s Judgment Day.
Tags: Alpine Climbers, animation, animazione, cartoons, Cip & Ciop, Clarabella Cow, Comics, Disney, Episode, Fumetti, Michey Garden, Michey Mouse, Michey's Circus, Michey's Fire Brigade, Michey's Grand Opera, Michey's Polo Team, Michey's Rival, Minnie, Moving Day, on ice, Orphan's Picnic, Paperino, Pico De Paperis, Pietro Gambadilegno, Pippo, Pluto, Pluto's Judgment Day, The Band Concert, The Elephant Mouse, Throught the Looking Glass, Tip & Tap, Topolino
1935- long title i know, great fun filled little colour cartoon.
Tags: 30's, 40's, 50s, aimationforever, animation, cartoon drawing, cartoons, classics, Disney, disney on ie, dog, donald duck. donald, Duck, Goofy, mickey, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, mouse, on ice, on ice cartoon, on ice disney cartoon, Pluto, pluto the dog, vintage, Walt, Walt Disney