debate over Pluto’s status, Americans rallied behind the extraterrestrial underdog. The year of Pluto’s discovery, Disney created an irresistible pup by the same name, and, as one NASA scientist put it, Pluto was “discovered by an American for America.” Pluto is entrenched in our cultural, patriotic view of the cosmos, and Neil deGrasse Tyson is on a quest to discover why. Only Tyson can tell this story: he was involved in the first exhibits to demote Pluto, and, consequently, Pluto lovers …
Well, we were in the disney store in the mall, and this toy started barking and walking! I nearly had a heart attack! So i filmed it 😉
Tags: causway, Cribs, Disney, Mall, Pluto, random, store, The, Toy
Despues de que Pluto se escapo de su casa llega al polo norte donde se hace amigo de un reno y ahi se divierte pero se da cuanta de que extraña a Mickey y al igual que el a Pluto
Tags: christmas, daysi, Disney, dog, donald, gone, Goofy, mickey, Minnie, mouse, Pluto
three year old meets Pluto
Tags: Disney
Pluto – Wonder Dog PL
Kid kicks Pluto in the Crotch and Pluto chases him. Too bad the boys evil mom was there to stop him
Tags: assualt, attack, crotch, Disney, kid, land, Pluto, stop, world
An old vid I dubbed over of a little disney short called “Pluto Junior”. EXPLICIT. And in no way mean to offend ANYONE.
Tags: awesome, Disney, dub, dubbed, dumb, fag, funny, gay, idiot, jr, junior, lame, not, Pluto, random, really, retard, retarded, sexy, shit, stupid
It is the first Disney cartoon in which the characters Donald Duck and Pluto appear together. It also displays the new look of Donald Duck with a slimmer body and a shorter neck. Plot: Donald is a plumber fixing pipes in the basement of a house using a large magnet in his work. When he drops it, it causes trouble for Pluto
Tags: animation, Cartoon, Disney, donald, mickey, plumber, Pluto
I am not sure what Pluto was doing while we took this picture, but it appears that he is “humping”…
The weather forces a mail plane to turn back. It drops the mail at Outpost N.5, staffed by Pluto,who is to carry it to the next airport. His mission is getting harder because of a nuisance rabbit who covets the blanket on Pluto’s sled