Pluto chases a kitten through a window and right into Mickey’s lap. Mickey scolds him, and goes off to wash the kitten. Pluto falls asleep in front of the fi…
In 1963 Pinto received a letter from Oregon Senator Maurine Neuberger thanking him for supporting her bill requiring warning labels on cigarette packages. It? was a controversial idea at a time when nonsmoking areas were just a dream and America? was blue with secondhand smoke.
With lungs ravaged by a lifetime of heavy smoking, Pinto did his part to help others become aware of the problem. On October 3,? 1967, Vance Debar “Pinto” Colvig died? of lung cancer at the age of 75 in Woodland Hills, California.
August 10th, 2013 at 8:34 am
In 1963 Pinto received a letter from Oregon Senator Maurine Neuberger thanking him for supporting her bill requiring warning labels on cigarette packages. It? was a controversial idea at a time when nonsmoking areas were just a dream and America? was blue with secondhand smoke.
August 10th, 2013 at 8:34 am
With lungs ravaged by a lifetime of heavy smoking, Pinto did his part to help others become aware of the problem. On October 3,? 1967, Vance Debar “Pinto” Colvig died? of lung cancer at the age of 75 in Woodland Hills, California.