25 Responses

  • SpitzerJim Says:

    The entire IAU was invited. Only a few hundred attended. It’s not like the community was deliberately shut out.

  • Sowff Says:

    Hurt fails to mention that only 424 members of the IAU voted, leaving over 9,500 members voiceless, and the IAU has not admitted that the vote was problematic. There will be a debate soon about Pluto on teevy. Stay tuned. This debate is far from over.

  • maklash85 Says:

    Maybe science don’t consider Pluto as a 9th planet. But for God Pluto still represented 1 of the highest individual in heaven one of the 9 archangel of God. That represented by two statue angels and seven candle stick in the holy tent. anything except the 9 archangels are all just a servant angel of the 9 archangel.
    The One who has the largest satellite represent the 9th archangel of God and that is pluto.

  • maklash85 Says:

    Maybe science don’t consider Pluto as a 9th planet. But for God Pluto still represented 1 of the highest individual in heaven one of the 9 archangel of God. That represented by two statue angels and seven candle stick in the holy tent.

  • SpitzerJim Says:

    It’s not my area of expertise, but the estimate I see most often is “a few million years.”

    But since Titan is so small, it would have a hard time maintaining an atmosphere that would be thick enough for humans to breathe once it warms up that much. Other forms of life *could* evolve there, but in evolutionary terms, a few million years is a blink of an eye, and such life probably wouldn’t get past the very simple, early stages of evolution before the Sun collapsed.

  • Chairmaneoin Says:

    How brief? a couple million years or a few decades? Me and my mate think in the future we should go to Titan and brn the methane to make water and fuel, and with the reduced gravity we can fly ornithopters. Is that possible?

  • xj2yzz Says:

    pluto is a planet to me.

  • ZucchiniMusic156 Says:

    well pluto isn’t a giant gas planet like jupiter…

  • Omid45 Says:

    Having a moon is not that unlikely. All a moon is, is a piece of object caught by the gravity of a bigger object. Now, how many objects are there in the universe moving around all the time?

  • FLAME4564 Says:

    um lol probbly cuz since jupiter also has the biggest magnetic field in the whole solar system XD and yet it was only belived that it was a faild star cuz it was not big enough or even hot enough. Yet if Jupiter was bigger and hotter THEN we would be living in a double star system XD.

  • FLAME4564 Says:

    ah but since then there have been more new worlds discovered beyond pluto which has toppled our solar systems total number of planets XD

  • bugg333 Says:

    Size did make a diffference but also placing and the way it rotates around the sun. Generally though, if pluto were as big as say, jupiter, then it wouldn’t be booted imo.

  • gangboys32 Says:

    beacause pluto looks like a fog now and now
    called DWARF PLANET

  • 1993naitsirhc Says:

    it’s not of his size

  • SpitzerJim Says:

    Out where Pluto is, it will still be pretty cold. But it will be somewhat warmer, so Pluto (and all the outer planets) will most likely go through some changes. But since we still know so little about Pluto and its atmosphere, I wouldn’t be confident making a prediction. Jupiter, however, may find itself in the habitable zone briefly, and it’s possible that its moons could support some forms of primitive life for a brief period of time.

  • GuruGulu Says:

    What would happen to pluto when our sun reaches the red giant phase? Will it melt since it’s practically ice? And what about jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune.

  • MsIMListening2U Says:

    Poor Pluto, he got booted just cuz of his size. Isn’t there some sort of intergalactic law against planetary discrimination? 🙂

  • xXJacobBuckXx Says:

    I like how simply put this is. Perfect for those people who argue about Pluto just for the sake of arguing. Most don’t know why it’s a dwarf planet, they just no it’s not a planet anymore…

  • SpitzerJim Says:

    Many asteroids do, but I don’t think any have been confirmed around a known dwarf planet. However, since dwarf planets are very small (and therefore hard to resolve), moons may be lurking undiscovered.

  • jman46241 Says:

    Do any of the other Dwarf Planets that have been discovered have moons?

  • uliseto Says:

    there goes my real state in pluto…

  • BoyintheMachine Says:

    Plute and it’s moon Charon have a common center of gravity that is located not in Pluto but in the space between the two objects. Because of this, it can be said that Pluto and Charon orbit each other!

  • lucydobbyn Says:

    PLUTO IS FAMOUS….hes mickys mouses dog!!!!!!!!

  • WaJennings1991 Says:

    does anyone thing about the gravitation of pluto and its moon??? i mean wouldnt that have some effect on how it would orbit its sun???

    think about it. its moon is like half its size so should its gravity effect pluto in some way. that could explain the odd orbit and i dought plutos moon is orbiting as flat with the sun as the planets. im thinking the moon moves the planet a little off its course because the moon is not only orbiting pluto but the sun too. so it would be drown to the sun also.

  • SpitzerJim Says:

    As Pluto crosses Neptune’s orbit, it’s actually above (or below, depending on your point of view) the plane of Neptune’s orbit. So even if they’re both in the same place in map view, they won’t actually hit, until something shifts the orbits again.

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