17 Responses

  • OldSchoolWWEguru Says:

    space cannot be infinite the big bang happened approx. 14.6 billion years ago so we can assume that space is 14.6 billion light years in distance plus whatever the faster than light inflation period gave us in excess distance

  • ubersteigen Says:

    Oh thats funny, thanks for the enlightenment! =)

  • Aeros802 Says:

    Many people protested against this. Especially in the states of New Mexico and Nevada where pluto found Clyde Tombough was born and did research. I read the “Pluto files”. I think a legislation was passed in NM that recognizes Pluto as a planet within its borders 😛

  • JixMa Says:

    Why are people so pro “Pluto is a planet”? It’s simple. Walt Disney has a cute animated dog named Pluto. Not having Pluto as a planet is like being against Mom & apple pie to those folks. To me, once they found objects bigger than Pluto in the solar system, that pretty much canceled Pluto’s planet status. If anything, Pluto is a planetoid, not a true planet. One loss to Pluto’s “planet” status is the famous mnemonic to remember the planet’s names: My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas.

  • mbxx2 Says:

    oh thanks

  • dabatjelly Says:

    it is listed as a dwarf planet as of 2006 when “planet” was given a new definition by the IAU… along with its other system edge dwellers Eris, Ceres, & Makemake… all dwarf planets, respectively…

    1. is in orbit around the sun
    2. has sufficient mass to have a round shape
    3. must be gravitationally dominate of it own “zone”

    A “dwarf planet” only fills two of the three criteria… currently there are 8 planets & 5 dwarf planets…

  • mbxx2 Says:

    if plutos not a planet then what is it?

  • gadget133 Says:

    Why people giving you the thumbs down??? I thought your comment was very insightful.

  • BigKwell Says:


    You better say ‘yes’, Dr. Tyson!

  • Krumbz2003 Says:

    Reading Neils book right now… Death From Black Holes… (or something like that… too lazy to go pick it up out of the drawer).

  • Deadfox7777 Says:

    yeah i have seen mr tyson i even go to ask him a question about how space is infinte

  • culwin Says:

    Yo mama’s so fat… her butt’s bigger than a Kuiper belt object!
    It just doesn’t feel the same.

  • SirMildredPierce Says:


  • ubersteigen Says:

    Neil deGrasse Tyson is one of my biggest heroes!

    ….People actually protested that shit!? wtf! lol

  • junenicolemay Says:

    0:22 lol!

  • voyeurdug Says:

    How about a little PR treatment… something like: Honorable Mention Planet, or: Moon of our Solar System, or: iMeteor.

  • vinak963 Says:

    everybody grew up with pluto being a planet.

    but our knowledge of the our solar system grows every year…if pluto no longer fits the definition of a planet, than I guess its no longer a planet..

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