25 Responses

  • Angel317537 Says:

    I LOVED THIS!!! I was enjoying it so much, that I was dancing along with him. Thriller is such a catchy song. It will be in my head for the rest of the night! I love pluto!!! Thanks for posting!

  • hyperskreem Says:

    oh gawd lighetn up for crissakes!

  • CrazedRebaFan Says:

    RIP michael jackson<3

  • Simbaholic Says:

    Aww! Yeah, that’s Pluto for you!

  • ChappyDee Says:

    You clearly aren’t a mascot. Give them a break, they spend all day in the hot sun without speaking and having to act like cartoon characters. They’re just having fun. And honestly, anyone over the age of 10 gets way more of a kick out of seeing something like this. It’s not like he’s making obscene gestures.

    Also, you proved your insanity already by implying that Michael Jackson is a “thug”. Haha, I’m as ginger as they come and I would still be more intimidating that Jacko in a back alley.

  • Tiger1s2Lil3Kitten Says:

    Amen to that ! : ) Amen !

  • xweetox76 Says:

    Okkay really think like this:

    you dont get paid that much to run around in a hot suit all day.
    All day you have to be exttremely nice and take pictures/ sign autograph books
    Wouldnt YOU get bored?
    I’m just sayin and I agree with TheSpeckledHens

  • YellowBlueSparkles Says:

    It’s hard to be disney charecters cuase you have to be nice funny and joke and play games

  • FemmeDePunkRock Says:

    I see the negative point-he’s not dancing very well and the crowd looks BORED. They need to re think this.

  • Bayani8 Says:

    aw cmon, y be embarrassed? hes getting you guys more money and making the characters more popular. these characters are attracting the public by having these videos being put on youtube. hella people will viset WDW just to see “crap” like this

  • vblogdewey Says:

    I work at WDW and whenever I see the characters doing this crap, it makes me embarrassed. Pluto is a DOG. Why would he be dancing like a THUG?

  • zelan6 Says:

    i guess thy dance cause beiing a mascot is boring or its to bring in ppl

  • TheSpeckledHens Says:

    wow whats wrong with the characters dancing? really like really u seriously need to chill out

  • Whitney481 Says:

    I do believe i made my point on my other video you commented on……..this was at a pool party for the Disney interns at out apartment complex there were no children here either!! At functions for the inters they got to dance like this and as far as picture taking they took pictures like they are supposed to. Also the functions were not on property where kids could see them

  • looilovesdisney Says:

    No cos he’s not really in role is he. He’s dancing as if he was a person and not the character and that element of ‘make believe’ isn’t there as much as it is in say ‘Disneyland Paris’. You’d never see the characters there doing things like this. I think it just spoils it and ruins the ‘magic’ and fun- in terms of the value the park has for children

  • frodoforever56 Says:


  • Whitney481 Says:

    its basically an internship you work and you go to school they have classes that you can take but if you go i would go in the fall lots of celebrations and stuff to do

  • nuttypupp99 Says:

    lol,pluto’s such a ”thriller”lol!!!!!

  • lilwarriorprincess Says:


  • frodoforever56 Says:

    Heh I’m really interested in the Disney collage program. I’m thinking of heading down to Orlando to go to school, or to have my first two years at home and then go.
    What exactly is the Disney collage program?

  • BonnieBunee Says:

    I agree, they shouldn’t do soulja boy. The ones that do are stupid and aren’t good enough to think of anything else to do so they do that.

  • Afishy9 Says:

    Well then none of the characters should be doing the stupid soulja boy dance then. They all seem to know that one, but not thriller.

  • BonnieBunee Says:

    No, you can’t. If you already work thre full time, doing the college program would be like taking a step down the ladder. Don’t bother.

  • BonnieBunee Says:

    Pluto would not know the thriller dance, therefore he does not do the thriller dance.

  • retrochick Says:

    AH YES! Vista Way!

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